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T- hues

T-hues is our flagship natural dye project in partnership with Sri Lanka Institute of Nano Technology (SLINTEC) to introduce natural dying as a means of a safer and sustainable option.  Dynawash is proud to have initiated this revolutionary innovation which use Tea Waste from Ice Tea Production Process to create a variety of Natural Sustainable Dyes for the textile industry.

Dynawash has given life to the concept of ‘green manufacturing’ through this initiative becoming Sri Lanka’s first and only company to use natural dyes for fabric colouring

T-hues has enabled the company to further contribute towards the preservation of the environment by reducing the CO2 emission. By using the tea by-products as a natural colorant, the project has been successful in ‘Carbon capturing and storage’ which has extracted CO2 from the tea waste and storing it as a dye in textile.

During the normal synthetic dyes processes, the total greenhouse gas emission for  1kg of fabric dyeing in terms of CO2 equivalent could be as high as 2287g for acid dyeing and 1855g for reactive dying. By switching to natural dyes, the company has managed to reduce the CO2 equivalent by 34% and 76% respectively, as certified by “Control Union”


This dye has also been Oeko Tex Certified under Class 1

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